After months of speculation, my wife Stacy just tracked down the Microsoft people to ask them why their new symbols for PowerPoint, Excel and Word look like funky versions of Hebrew letters.
Here’s the response from corporate:
“The Office 2008 for Mac icons are an evolution from the icons in Office 2004 for Mac, and represent the brand guidelines developed for the suite – Approachable, Energetic, Exacting and Elegant. Any resemblance to another icon or symbol is purely coincidental.”
I know how to say “Excuse me, where is the nearest bomb shelter?” in Hebrew (“Slichah, eifo ha-meeklat karov ma’od?”), but I can’t figure out any secret meaning to the combination of letters, Koof/Aleph/Shin.
Can any linguistics experts, Dead Sea Scroll scholars or Israeli crossword puzzle lovers help me out here? Is there a secret Microsoft Bible Code?
In any case, I love these stylized fonts. The Israeli government should hire the Apple-Microsoft team to do a complete Hebrew alphabet redesign.
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